Okay the "shitloads of thoughts" might just be a hyperbolic statements.


Our problem

Its been so long since I last did movie marathon and so I did it yesterday. Just watched both Kong and Beauty and The Beast. Both are awesome tho especially Emma Watson in the second. Damn how can a person be so pretty I keep falling in love again and again throughout the scenes in the movie (its actually never like that its just a hyperbolic statement). But there are something relatable from both movies or stories or whatever you want to call it, which one of them is the inferiority complex in humanity that (to me) keeps being emphasised in both of the films.

We all know how big the earth is (minus the other possible creatures living outside in the equation) so we are (undoubtedly to me) sharing this world with others and not just among the human beings but also animals, plants etc which we always ignore their very existence are somehow crucial in sustaining our life capacity in this dying earth. So what makes us special? Is it because we are capable of being in love because animals like cats are also able to feel love (or something similar with it – read this stuff somewhere in the net) because although there are no scientific proof that may support the argument but yeah I just know they can. Love is something more then chemical process yes Im effin sure about that (to the hell the movies that keeps saying that love is nothing more than chemical process happening in our brains). Yes there is indeed involvements of chemical process that involves dopamine, amygdala and all that stuffs I don’t want to recall it but its still something to me. Its all are like ways or medium given by the god (if you believe in one) or something within ourselves that is so important to enable us to love and care for one another and so the happily-ever-after kind of life seems possible for us to live in. We just need to accept that we need love for something greater and not just satisfying the norm of body processes.

So looking back to the earth, the place our lives depend on, the place that makes everything we could ever think of looks achievable by our humble and tiny selves dying with all sorts of sickness and plaques that we give to her and i dont only meant about the polutions or all stuffs like that, the sickness or plaques or whatever you want to call it is our own attitudes towards ourselves, and the people around. This is because i believe there are reasons behind the creation of the earth or the universe if we want to see it in a bigger context, in which the reason is to be shared like equally or fairly with each other. Do you ever think what if we are stranded in one place with no one to argue with, no one to share our problem with or no one at all to sit with us and spend some time with? Because the way i see it, thats what we really want. TO OWN EVERYTHING BY OURSELVES.

We as human beings keep thinking that we are in control of everything that’s happening because of our brain capabilities to anticipates reasoning in our judgements on all sorts of events for the possibility of producing the most positive outcomes in the future. But, just look around us and ask yourself if that’s really happening or is that’s really what we have been doing all these while. Racisms, the acts of extremists and all the bad shits happening around us, are all that still applicable for “the greater good” philosophy we implemented deep in our heart? In my childhood my teacher always taught me that I need to love others or in fact, WE as the “most intellectual beings” should do that to one another. But do we really do that? Because the last time I checked the hatred towards Islam, LGBTQ, the fights for human rights or all the stuff that matters are still here growing deeper into our hearts. Why do we keep doing that when we know that we are not alone in this world, and we need to accept the differences around us and deal with it. The problem is that most of the time we feel too superior to others to the extent we will do anything to bring anyone above us down, just for the sake of power, greed, or the feeling of satisfactory of being recognized by others. But why do we do it with hatred tho do we always put ourselves that low? Because as you know the generations of human beings are getting more diverse from day to day and you can imagine it as something like a particles that collides with each other, and the results of the collisions producing other particles with different shapes and sizes. So either we like it or not, that’s the reality in life; nobody is the same with anyone.

In a competition, we don’t need to eliminate the opponents because opponents are good for the event so we can try harder to be better than them and so in that way (to me) ourselves are going to be and always being nothing but better and better. Just imagine in your class in a subject test, you are second with 80% and the first one has better grades with 90%. So when the first got transferred to other class or school or whatever like dead or something, you will be the first. But the problem in this situation is that you are then the first one and everyone in the class will consider you the best among them but others in the school will not see the class has the person with 90% mark, but 80%, which is worse. So if the person with 90% stay, you as the second or anyone will have like a benchmark or something so you may try harder and harder to achieve such a high mark or even better. In that way, the smartest person in the class will only improve or eventually, all or most of the individuals in the class will improvise and ta daa~ the whole class will be the best in school. But yes it easy to say but really hard to really do it in reality. I hope the analogy is understandable tho because i just mean we need someone better in our life so we are able to set our objectives of how good we want to be in the future.

So we can keep telling ourselves that we are not contributing to all those hatreds that’s happening all around us but the truth is that, we are. We are indeed contribute to it as long as theres even a tiny bit of envy in ourselves on those who we see superior to us. If you don’t like something so much, you should do something about it, in the most wise and sensible way because that’s what that “thing” in our heads are there for. Reasons, consequences are something that we should always consider in making a judgement on something. I just love batman’s quotes about why he don’t kill his enemies. It goes like this;

Its beautifully said isn’t it? So even if you don’t like something doesn’t mean you need to hate it, you should embrace it. Because if you show and teach those with this kinds of attitude the love they should have been practicing all these while, you will be amaze on how the results will come out. So, just go out there and spread some positivity, and to those who had been already doing it, you have my trophy and I hope you never give up to fight for what we believe in which is the world full of love and peace. And for the last time, YOU ARE NOT WORSE AND THERES NO ONE BETTER IN THIS WORLD so stop hating each other because love always beats hate unless you dont allow it to happen and remember, we complete each other with our differences. That’s it ciao